Friday, January 9, 2009

Thank you from Dave--with full text

I'm extremely thankful to everyone for the online and in-person support over the past near-two months.  This includes my large loving family and a wide circle of generous friends.
In addition to providing me with support, this blog has been extraordinarily helpful to me in reconstructing what happened.  Without y0ur comments, I'd have forgotten much of this and that would have been a serious loss.  The affirmation that's been my privilege to receive in the course of this ordeal is the most precious blessing to come out of all this.
Other fringe benefits include a drastic cut in the amount of pills I have to take as well as a total cut in the amount of cigarettes I smoke.  I don't even need coffee anymore.
Thank you all for helping me turn something horrible into something to be grateful for.


Rachel Cantor said...

We're glad to have you back!

Rachel Cantor said...

Sorry, that was Rachel Cantor who just left that message ...

Peter Dunlap-Shohl said...

so Dave, do you recommend this to others as an effective way to quit cigarettes?

Jordy said...

Delighted to hear that you're recovering swiftly. No cigarettes, no coffee?! Somebody call a doctor. Dave's gone mad!
Much love,
Jordy, Susannah and Wally

Anonymous said...

I've been an honorary watcher on the blog. I couldn't seem to subscribe properly. but you are on my tool bar. It's a wonderful miracle that has actually made me more grafeful and happy in my day to day as well. xx Amanda

Peri said...

so.....when's the party?!?

Anonymous said...


As Dave is absorbed into the depths of Riverdale, a question emerges:

Is this the end of the Dave Shohl Watch blog?

Anonymous said...

“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
Theodore (the other one, Geisel...)
You're amazing. Let's talk soon.