Mark's concert of yesterday seems to have produced two very positive results. For one, Dave's white blood count is finally normal and his fevers are less frequent and not as high. The emerging picture on that is that the fevers are probably connected to the pneumonia, which continues to improve. Secondly, and maybe it's my imagination, but the hospital staff seems more attentive. I'm hoping this will result in the surgical team finally coming around to take out his stitches, something I have been advocating fiercely for days now. Taking a step further today, I mentioned to the very nice coordinating doctor that if something doesn't happen soon with that, I may just take them out myself. What do you want to bet that they'll be gone tomorrow morning?
Dave was vastly improved again today, able to sit up without help and remain sitting without back support. They're giving him real food (well, as real as it gets coming from the hospital kitchen) and he is eating without help.
Thank you for your cards and letters, which have begun arriving. We've been pinning them up on Dave's bulletin board to remind him how much we love him all the time. I've also been sharing your blog comments with him. He kann das nicht glauben.
buh leeve it.
Dave, Mila and I wish you a full and speedy recovery as we glauben that you will. When you're rested up we'll have some further discussion about FN.
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