Monday, December 8, 2008

Pleased to report that I'm pleased to report

Dave has gone several days without a fever, has finished all his antibiotics, and is able to stand and walk a few paces with help now.  At this point, the doctors are pretty much just making sure he doesn't spike a new fever now that he has finished all those meds.  If he continues his healing trend over the next couple of days, they will want to discharge him to a "sub-acute" facility where he can continue to get the physical and psychological therapy he will continue to need in a round-the-clock care setting.  

Today he greeted me with a big smile and a hug and said he had been looking forward to seeing me.  He still felt pretty awful for the early afternoon, but after a short nap woke up ready to sit up in a chair.  He was able to tolerate sitting long enough to participate in his first shave since intensive care.  I did some and he did some, and then I asked his one-on-one, Grace, what she thought.  In a very nice voice, she replied, "You tried."  I don't know what she was talking about--I'm still positive we did a great job.


Jordy said...

Hi Margo and Dave,
We are encouraged by your reports. I suggest more ice cream!
Much love,
Jordy, Susannah and Wally

Peter Dunlap-Shohl said...

Hey Marg, Dave already had a close shave. One a year is more than enough.

You guys are both doing a tremendous job on what matters!



Anonymous said...

Dear Margo,

I am SOOOOO thrilled to hear the good news! I've been thinking about him a lot during my transit. My big big hug to Dr. Shohl from Seoul, Suki

Margo Shohl said...

Yes, I was going to title it "A Close Shave" or even "Dave Shaved" but I didn't want to frighten anyone.