Tuesday, December 16, 2008

iPod "really helps"

Well, I just went right ahead yesterday and delivered Dave's iPod (contributions still welcome, Ron), and he told me today that it is a big help.  Many, many thanks to all contributors.  Dave is really touched and keeps saying "Bless them!"  Odd thing about having been in a coma, Dave is wont to forget that he was on life support for two weeks--this makes his comeback, which to me seems so astonishingly fast, feel inexplicably slow to him.  He is doing his best to be patient, as it were. Today he got a social worker who promised to help with all kinds of things, including making sure he starts getting the physical therapy he has apparently not been getting yet, even though it was ordered.  Since he still forgets some things, it is fun to occasionally re-mention some nice card or email or blog post and get the same heartfelt response from him.  His sweetness is undiminished!


Rantings Of A Crazy Drunk Editor said...
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Anonymous said...

hmmm..I'm beginning to wonder if this whole "coma" thing was an elaborately orchestrated ploy to obtain a free ipod.
I applaud you, David Shohl..and your ingenious accomplice.

Margo Shohl said...

I wish.

Anonymous said...

when do you think he can take calls?

Margo Shohl said...

I'll let you know as soon as he gives me the go-ahead. Not yet.