Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dave eating!

Not only did Dave get to eat today for the first time in two weeks, he was sitting for the first time in two weeks and shaved, ditto.  He is still on those strong antibiotics and his nurse thinks he'll be in isolation for quite a while yet, but so far he is looking significantly stronger every day.  He smiled about the creativity he has provoked from Pete and Ted, particular at the "hosannas/bananas" rhyme (see previous post comments).


Anonymous said...

Margo...please let Dave know that Ich kann das nicht Glauben.

Anonymous said...

Margo, please also let Dave know that there have been priests saying Novenas (a neurotic Catholic prayer-wheel thing) 'round-the-clock; more importantly, they're from the Maryknoll order...
(love & a hug)

ps: I'd also like to hear about what Oz is like in 2008 when he's up to it...
